Türkiye Turing ve Otomobil Kurumu
Son bir veda...
A Farewell, A Thank You
We bid farewell while expressing our gratitude to everyone who has been with us in this beautiful story where traditional handicrafts come to life. With the belief that the spirit of art will continue to exist forever…
Imaginary World of Lines: Miniature
Architect of a Spiritual Geometry: Veysel Kucuras
The odyssey of a memory over decades: Istanbul Coffehouse
Istanbul Sanatları Çarşısı (Bazaar of Istanbul Arts), a Touring undertaking; is one of the important places with its historical texture dating back to 18th century Ottoman architecture which survived until the present day. It is home to old masters of Turkish-Islamic crafts, who are, now, so small in number, and young artists as well as their unrivaled works, each of which is prepared with great meticulousness.

We bring together the old masters of Istanbul arts and the young generation artists.

The instructive and effective workshops on Istanbul arts, held in the courtyard and cell rooms of the Istanbul Handicrafts Center, offer the participating guests a day in which they will intertwine with art.

Our source of inspiration is the priceless city of Istanbul.

Craftsmen in the fields of calligraphy, illumination, marbling, ceramics, paper cutting, miniature, fabric painting, tragacanth dolls, porcelain painting and embroidery serve to maintain our national culture within the Istanbul Handicrafts Center.
©2022 - Istanbul Handicrafts Center - All rights reserved
Tukan Ajans